Real-Time Planning and Forecasting
An essential element of an effective planning process is the ability to model financial results, business parameters and activities that ultimately lead to these results. With O3 Budgeting modeling can be bottom-up (that is, change conductors and see what results are produced) or top-down, from top to down (in other words, choose a desired result and check how the variables need to be done to achieve it).
Budget with Speed, Consistency and Data Integrity
O3 Budgeting allows current data to be compared with forecasts, allowing having comparisons of the budget and its implementation at the end of a period, quarterly, monthly, weekly or daily.
O3 Budgeting also provides a dynamic forecasting: forecasts are automatically and instantly updated with each calculation through recognizing the occurred changes in the elements.
An important advantage of O3 Budgeting, is that all your current budgets, modeling data of the plan exist within a centralized data repository, as a result of this, the forecast is made using the same data, definitions and calculations of the budget and plan, ensuring integrity of data consistency.
“With O3 Budgeting it is dramatically simplified the information delivery system”.
Integrated analysis of all information
O3 Budgeting offers the greatest analytical capabilities, implemented in over 20 countries, it gives you the possibility to deepen and navigate in the different scenarios.